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Notes from Mike Flynn's discussion with Pat Selter
I had a good meeting with Pat Selter as I mentioned to you earlier. Neither lake showed any trace of invasive species. Pat did note that there is NO government funding (grants, etc.) available for lakes that do not have invasive species. I called the DNR in Brainerd and they said they were not aware of any kind of government assistance for weed control on lakes without invasive species.

Pat feels we should have a lake weed management plan for both lakes. He feels we do have a weed problem that should be managed but managed individually by homeowners rather than collectively as a lake. A lake management plan would help us keep a balance of the right kind of vegetation that would help make the lakes more enjoyable and be a deterrent in allowing an invasive species to grow if one was introduced to the lake. The only area on either lake where PLM could be of service collectively is the west end of Goodrich. Pat also noted that there are very few homes in that area and questioned if that part of the lake (state land) was used by anyone other than the boy scouts.

With the current laws (they are updated often) the homeowners have three options to improve our lakes from the existing weeds:

1. Each homeowner can personally hand remove 2500 square feet of submerged weeds without a permit. Anything more than 2500 square feet requires a permit from the DNR.

2. Homeowners can contact PLM individually and have them treat their property. PLM can chemically treat one half of the property frontage or 100 feet, whichever is less. They go out as far as 100 feet into the lake depending on the slope of the bottom. They are allowed to carve a channel through lily pads to allow an owner access to the lake. They do two treatments per year, one in June and one in July. They have a rate sheet that is tailored to each property. As an example, if they were to treat 50 feet by 100 feet the bill would be $525.30 for both treatments. There is also a $35 permit fee for each home. These costs repeat each year. There is a 5% discount if ten or more properties per lake sign up each year. According to Pat, there are a few homes on O’Brien that have already contracted with PLM.

3. There are a number of companies that will mechanically harvest the weeds on each lot. Treatments can be no more extensive than those outlined above for each lot. PLM can get a contractor and the necessary permits if desired by individual homeowners. Pat feels this is a viable option but not as effective as chemical treatments.

I did talk to Pat about companies like Aqaucide out of White Bear Lake. He noted the chemicals they sell are often similar to his. The issue is that most homeowners don’t know exactly what types of weeds to treat so they apply the wrong chemicals and don’t see results. Because Pat has surveyed the lakes in detail, he knows what exactly to treat on each property. He also blends different chemicals so that all weeds are in the treatment area are managed properly. He noted you need a permit to apply chemicals from companies like Aquacide yourself. I thought it was interesting you can buy all you want of those chemicals and it was never noted to me that you could only apply them to a limited area on your property and you needed a permit.

I feel the committee I chair should get a lake management plan done for both lakes. Pat is sending me an outline for this. Following getting a comprehensive plan done, our objective will be to communicate to lake homeowners what the status is regarding weeds in both lakes, an update of what the DNR will allow regarding weed control, and the options homeowners have going forward.